Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Valentine's Day Parties!

I LOVE Valentine's Day!  It's always such a fun time in an elementary school.  One reason I enjoy this day so much is because the focus is on others and showing love and appreciation for their friendship.  

For the first time - well...ever...I wasn't at school for Valentine's Day parties.  I'm not complaining since I was at a fabulous conference on the latest brain research!  However, I did really miss seeing the students on this day and am grateful to Anslie Dysart for capturing the class parties.

Enjoy Anslie's photography and a glimpse into a very special day!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The 100th Day of School!


We had one big celebration at PCA North on February 2nd. It was our 100th day of school!

Students and teachers came dressed as they might look at age 100! 

We began our day with some fun songs.  Mrs. Arredondo had previously taught students special songs for this occasion.  She even rocked out a little - using her cane as an air guitar!  Fun, fun, fun! 

We had some group activities during our morning assembly.  Students chewed bubble gum for 100 seconds and then tried to blow a bubble.  They also licked a lollipop for 100 seconds to see whose was the smallest in the end.

Of all of our morning activities, my FAVORITE was using tongue depressors to represent students at PCA North.  We talked about how many students were enrolled on the first day of school at our new campus, gave thanks for the 11 who have joined us during this school year, and prayed for those to come! 

After our opening activities, we went to the cafeteria to enjoy a little 100 day breakfast snack!

See this girl (ummmm....old lady!)?  She had us all cracking up as she opened her big red purse and pulled out a photo album of her "grandchildren" to tell everyone about her precious darlings.

Each class continued to celebrate the 100th day of school with great learning activities!  

Combining "old age" with the world of technology was really fun.  Teachers discovered an app called "Aging Booth."  Cool!  Students were photographed and then the app aged them to show what they could look like at the age of 100. 

May I say (one more time) how awesome the PCA North staff is? 

I have to say - I've never been more comfortable!