We began with a reception for our grandparents and guests. It was a great way to welcome them to our North campus, many for the first time!
Our PCA North students performed a short program for their grandparents in our campus gym. It was wonderful that EVERY student was able to be on the stage and perform for our guests. We also recognized grandparents who traveled the greatest distance (Los Angeles, CA) , had the most grandchildren (12), and had the youngest grandchild (born on September 11th).
We loved sharing our Hymns of the Month with our grandparents.
We moved into our Worship Center to join the PCA Plano campus via simulcast for All School Worship.
It was great fun connecting with PCA Plano and being able to say, "Hello" to each other. Our PCA North Lead Pastor, Dr. Chris Kouba, was able to dialogue with our Head of School, Dr. Larry Taylor.
Of course, our PCA North family was able to give a big, hearty shout-out to our PCA family at the Plano campus.
We joined in praise and worship through the wonder of technology. Our high school praise team led in worship.
First and second graders at both locations were able to help lead a few of the worship songs they are familiar with from chapel.
A favorite part of the program was hearing from Prestonwood Associate Pastor of Pastoral and Preaching, Neil Jeffrey. Neil, a former All-American quarterback at Baylor, spoke of his life challenges and how his grandfather and stepfather made a huge impact on his life. As he said, he learned how to be a man by watching godly men. He gave a great charge to all in attendance.
Without a doubt, the day had already been a great one, but a special highlight is always the classroom visits. Students had been hard at work preparing crafts and writing projects to share with their grandparents.
Thanks to all of our grandparents and guests who joined us for our first ever Grandparent's Day at Prestonwood Christian Academy North!
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