Saturday, May 2, 2015

Learning, Learning Everywhere in Early Childhood!

It amazes me what our teachers do to create an exciting learning environment.  There is ALWAYS something going on around PCA North that makes me want to take out my camera and share with you! 

Here's a sampling of things I've seen in our PreK and kindergarten classrooms within the past few weeks.

PreK 3- Learning About Spring

If you need a smile, just head to PreK!  A Very Hungry Caterpillar theme was great as students learned more about spring. 

Kindergarten - Crazy Hair Day

Kindergarten students earned a Crazy Hair Day for their participation in the Boosterthon Fun Run
They have also been learning a lot about spring, watching caterpillars become butterflies!  Also, they found a misplaced baby bunny on the playground.  Since no nest could be found, the bunny went to live on the farm of one of our North students, after spending a little time in our "Lost and Found" bin.

PreK 4 - Mining for Gold

Our school utilizes a hands-on science curriculum with enriching learning experiences provided by High Touch High Tech Hands-on Science.  PreK 4 students recently learned about minerals and had an opportunity to pan for gold.  


Kindergarten - Manners Day

Who wouldn't love an entire day dedicated to manners?  Students wore their fancy clothes and Mrs. Zarycki managed to maintain her British accent for the day!  

Time for lunch - napkins in laps!

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