Sunday, November 16, 2014

Here's What's Been Happening in Chapel!

There is something so special about our students coming together for the sole purpose of worship!  

Enjoy some highlights of the past few chapels:

Growing As Christians

Meghann Head, the Children's Minister at Prestonwood North, spoke a few weeks ago.  She gave a great illustration on how we grow as Christians, using plants real life examples the students could relate to.  Students were reminded they need prayer and God's Word in order to grow into mature followers of Christ. 


Our own PreK 3 teacher, Kristin Dysart, was was our chapel speaker!  She told the students about being brave!   As Mrs. Dysart said, "Courage is doing what is right when it isn't easy."  Students read Joshua 1:9 "Have I not told you to be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified.  Do not be discouraged for The Lord your God will be with you."  

Students were able to dress as superheroes to illustrate courage and were able to make the connection that we don't need a cape or superpowers because we have the Holy Spirit and God's Word to guide us as we need courage.  

Students received bracelets as they left chapel to remind them what they had just learned about courage. 

Red Ribbon Week Chapel

Mrs. Lainie Montgomery, our Campus Ministry Team Coordinator, came to speak to us about Red Ribbon Week!  She used something we all love - LEGOS - to illustrate how a hammer can smash something beautiful, reminding us to take care of things that are precious to us. We discussed many ways we can use our words or actions to harm ourselves or others.  

Our third and fourth grade students performed songs to encourage us to say "NO" to things harmful to us. 

Authority of Scripture

Pastor Kouba was our speaker when we discussed "authority of Scripture."  He had great examples, primarily illustrating how we can trust our parents because they love us and want our best.  Likewise, we can trust God and His authority in our lives.  

In the picture below, Dr. Kouba had blindfolded his daughters and gave them directions to lead them through a maze.  While he was giving them directions, he asked the students to shout out conflicting messages.  It was easy to see the analogy:  God has a clear voice giving us direction, while others want to confuse us and take our focus off of our Father.  

Kicking off Operation Christmas Child

Yvonne Valasek, Lower School Assistant Principal at PCA Plano, was our speaker to help kick off Operation Christmas Child.  Students heard several stories - all showing God's sovereignty and illustrating how children receive the box intended for them.  We heard about a little girl who received a box, but looked sad.  As it turns out, her twin sister was home sick that day and didn't get a Christmas box.  When the little girl opened up her box, she had two dolls - and two of everything!   Students also heard that each child receives the Gospel message in his/her native language.  Our PCA North students have a goal of collecting 50 boxes!  We will celebrate with a "reward" of having "50's Day," yet our students know that the true reward is sharing the love of Jesus with children around the world.  

Our first and second graders performed in both English and Spanish.   

As you can see, we have been blessed with great chapel speakers and our students have learned a lot!

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