Thursday, September 4, 2014

Chapel - R-E-S-P-E-C-T!

As with every chapel, we began with praise and worship.  This week, Mrs. Arredondo played the keyboard and fourth grade leaders helped with the motions.  Also, our fourth graders led in pledges and prayer.

I didn't dress up and sing " R-E-S-P-E-C-T" - but the thought did enter my mind!  Last week's chapel was on the topic of "respect."  I had the privilege of being the chapel speaker.  

Our scripture passage was I Peter 2:17:

Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.   

We had a demonstration showing the fragility of an egg.  The egg can even seem tough and sturdy with the shell intact.  Likewise, some people we encounter may seem "tough" and as if nothing will bother them.  However, within each of us is a spirit that can be damaged if we aren't shown the proper respect.  

The teachers started by passing one egg...then two...then three...and then four!  They did a great job of demonstrating the care needed to protect the egg from harm. Students could tell me they were being "gentle" with the egg.  They were "protecting" the egg to make sure its "insides" weren't hurt.  This was such a simple example, but a tangible way to show our students that, even those people who seem to have a tough exterior shell, have a fragile spirit inside. 

One thing I love about our chapel time is the intentional follow-up that happens.  We call this our "Bible Study Method."  Once students get back to class, they work with their teacher to complete a worksheet reinforcing our weekly topic, learning to dig deeper into God's Word.  Here is a copy of the Bible Study Method sheet digging deeper into the subject of "respect."  

Student Name:  ______________________________________________________     Aug. 29, 2014

DIGGING IN DEEPER:  Bible Study Method

Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers,
fear God, honor the emperor. 1 Peter 2:17

OBSERVATION:  What does this verse say?

1.  We are called to respect to everyone.

2.  We are supposed to have respect for God.

3.  Respect your leaders (those in authority).

INTERPRETATION:  What does this verse mean?

1.  Look up “respect” in the dictionary.  What does it mean?

2.  Why should we show respect to eveyone?

3.  Why is showing respect so important?

APPLICATION:  How do I live it out?

1.  In my Class:

2.  …In my House:

3.  …In my Community:

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